Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeArab Health ReviewKorean HealthcareA showcase of innovative South Korean MedTech and BioTech companies

A showcase of innovative South Korean MedTech and BioTech companies

Cellatoz Therapeutics, Inc

Cellatoz Therapeutics

Cellatoz Therapeutics, Inc. is a biotech company with extensive expertise in translational research and process development. With our state-of-the-art commercialization-ready cGMP grade facility in Korea and unique proprietary cells, we specialize in the development of advanced and innovative cell therapies in the fields of regenerative medicine and immuno-oncology. Our flagship programme, Neuronal Regeneration Promoting Cells (NRPC), involves the differentiation of Schwann cell-like cells from Tonsillar Mesenchymal Stem Cells (T-MSC) for the treatment of peripheral nerve diseases such as Charco-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).

Further, we are developing Musculo-Skeletal Stem Cells (MSSC), which are IP-protected and possess the remarkable ability to differentiate into various components of the musculoskeletal system. These cells hold promise for regenerating cartilage and treating conditions such as sarcopenia and compound fractures. Our focus also extends to modifying the immune profile of patients to effectively treat solid tumours like glioblastoma (GBM) and recurrent ovarian cancer. We achieve this through gene modification in immune cells and combination therapy with existing drugs.

Collaboration is at the core of our approach, and we work closely with major medical schools and hospitals in Korea, including Seoul National University Hospital, Samsung Medical Center, and Ewha Medical Center.

Seeking partnerships
We are actively seeking partnerships in North America, Europe, and Japan to expand our reach and impact. Overall, we are committed to advancing the field of cell therapy and making a significant contribution to improving patient outcomes worldwide.

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