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HomeArab Health ReviewKorean HealthcareKHIDI: Running mate for a healthier tomorrow in Korea

KHIDI: Running mate for a healthier tomorrow in Korea


HNT Medical

Key technologies
HNT MEDICAL Co. Ltd. specializes in shock wave technology for lithotripsy. We have eight related technology patents. We have the technology to produce both the original EH (electro-hydraulic) type and the latest EM (electro-magnetic) cylinder type technology. In particular, the EM cylinder type is the latest 4th generation technology. It enables a method of tightly winding an electromagnetic coil and ap­plying high voltage to generate shock waves. Shock wave generation is the most stable method and consumables manage­ment is also reasonable. In addition, it has the advantage of a wider treatment area and superior treatment effects compared to the previous generation technology of the piezo type.

Furthermore, we have ‘multi-focus’ head technology. This is a patented tech­nology that only HNT has – not only in Korea, but across the world (Patent Reg­istration No. 10-1234682 / Patent name: Multiple Center Frequency Shock Wave Generator).

The devices are easy to use as they don’t require an applicator for treatment; they enable the formation of a three-dimen­sional focal zone, and they have technol­ogy that minimizes microdamage.

Main sales and exporting countries
We have supplied our products to major university hospitals, government sports sci­ence centres, and professional sports teams in Korea. We are also exporting them to various countries including Denmark, Italy, Austria, Uzbekistan, Sudan, Vietnam, etc.

Main products
We have launched products for various specialties, including orthopaedics, urol­ogy, OB-GYN, and dermatology.
UROSTONE: New product. Electro­magnetic type extracorporeal shock wave lithotripter. equipped with world’s first AI features; 10-way movable patient table.
CENOWAVE: Electro-magnetic type fo­cused-shock wave therapy; patented multi-focus head; direct water cooling.
CoCowave+: The first Korean extracor­poreal shock wave therapy device for ani­mals approved by the Korea Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency.

Exported to: Denmark, Italy, Austria, Uzbekistan, Sudan, Vietnam, etc.

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